4 Alternative Routes to Use to Escape the 2024 WRC Safari Rally Jam

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The legendary WRC Safari Rally is here with us again for the 2024 season, and as usual you can expect mammoth jams in Naivasha. If you are planning to travel to Western, Nyanza or Rift Valley over Easter, this will not be good news. One way to avoid this is travelling early, like on Wednesday or Thursday. If that is not possible, here are some alternative routes you can use to avoid being entangled with the rally crowd (courtesy of KeNHA):

Read: Quickly Defog Your Windscreen In 3 Steps

  • The scenic route: Nairobi – Rironi – Flyover (Magumu) – Njabini – Ol Kalou – Ol Joro Orok – Lanet
  • The adventure route: Nairobi – Rironi – Naivasha – Engineer – Ol Kalou – Ol Joro Orok – Lanet
  • The Thika trail: Nairobi – Thika – Magumu – Ol Kalou – Ol Joro Orok – Lanet
  • The Suswa shortcut: Nairobi – Ngong town – Kibiko – Suswa – Ntulelei – Narok

The Suswa shortcut needs an SUV with good ground clearance.


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