Tracking The Rise of Kenya’s Fuel Prices in 2023

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2023 will go down in history as the year that fuel prices in Kenya crossed the Ksh 200 mark per litre in retail price. This unfortunate grim milestone was achieved in September when the retail price of a litre of Super Petrol in Nairobi rose to Ksh211.64, Diesel Ksh200.99, and Kerosene Ksh202.61.

In one year, pump prices have increased by 19.9% (Ksh35.06) for Super Petrol, 24.4% (Ksh39.47) for Diesel and 36.4% (Ksh53.11) for Kerosene.

Even though the year is ending with prices having dropped, they are, nonetheless still stubbornly stuck past the 200-mark.

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See how they have been increasing:

Dec 2022 – Jan 2023

In December 2022,  a litre of Super Petrol was retailing in Nairobi at Ksh177.3, Diesel at Ksh162 and Kerosene at Ksh145.94. The Petroleum Development Levy was used to ensure the prices remained the same as November.

“The price of Diesel has been cross-subsidized with that of Super Petrol while a subsidy of Kshs25.07 /litre has been maintained for Kerosene in order to cushion consumers from the otherwise high prices. The Government will utilise the Petroleum Development Levy to compensate oil marketing companies for the difference in cost,” the government stated in December 2022.

Jan 2023 – Feb 2023

The prices remained unchanged at Ksh177.3 for a litre of Super Petrol, 162 for Diesel and Ksh145.94 for Kerosene; again thanks to the utilization of the Petroleum Development Levy.

Feb 2023 – March 2023

In this period, the Petroleum Development Levy was used for the third time in the year to maintain the fuel prices as the last review cycle. That means they remained at a litre of Super Petrol going for Ksh177.3, Diesel for Ksh162 and Kerosene for Ksh145.94.

March 2023 – April 2023

In this cycle, EPRA announced an increase in the price of Super Petrol by Ksh2 per litre while that of Diesel and Kerosene remained unchanged. This meant a litre of Super Petrol was now retailing for Ksh179.3, while Diesel and Kerosene remained at Ksh162 and Ksh145.94 respectively.

April 2023 – May 2023

Fuel prices remained unchanged at Ksh179.3, Ksh162 and Ksh145.94 for Super Petrol, Diesel and Kerosene respectively in this cycle.

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May 2023 – June 2023

This cycle saw pump prices increased by Ksh3.40 for Super Petrol, Ksh6.40 for Diesel and Ksh15.19 for Kerosene; which was the highest. The cycle also saw an announcement by EPRA on the removal of subsidies on Diesel and Kerosene.

The retail prices were now Ksh182.70 for Super Petrol, Ksh168.40 for Diesel and Ksh161.13 for Kerosene.

June 2023 – July 2023

Super Petrol and Diesel saw a decrease in pump prices of Ksh0.66 and Ksh1.12 respectively. Kerosene however saw an increase of Ksh0.35.

The retail prices now stood at Ksh182.04 for Super Petrol, Ksh167.28 for Diesel and Ksh161.48 for Kerosene.

On June 30, EPRA further increased the prices of Super Petrol, Diesel and Kerosene by Ksh13.49, Ksh12.39 and Ksh11.96 respectively.

This hiked pump prices for Super Petrol to Ksh195.53, Diesel to Ksh179.67 and Kerosene to Ksh173.44.

July 2023 – Aug 2023

EPRA reviewed downwards the prices of Super Petrol by Ksh0.85 and Kerosene by Ksh3.96 while Diesel remained unchanged.

Pump prices were now at Ksh194.68 for Super Petrol, Ksh179.67 for Diesel and Ksh169.48 for Kerosene.

Aug 2023 – Sept 2023

In this cycle, fuel prices were retained. They were expected to shoot due mainly to the doubling of VAT on fuel from 8% to 16%. However, the government reintroduced fuel subsidies.

Therefore, Super Petrol continued to be sold at Ksh194.68, Diesel at Ksh179.67 and Kerosene at Ksh169.48.

Sept 2023 – Oct 2023

This is where the 200-mark was breached as EPRA increased Super Petrol by Ksh16.96, Diesel by Ksh21.32 and Kerosene by Ksh33.13.

Pump prices were now at Ksh211.64 for Super Petrol, Ksh200.99 for Diesel, and Ksh202.61 for Kerosene. Also notice that Diesel was overtaken by Kerosene making it the cheapest of the three.

Oct 2023 – Nov 2023

Pump prices were increased in this cycle by Ksh5.72 for Super Petrol, Ksh4.48 for Diesel Ksh2.45 for Kerosene.

Following the increment, Super Petrol hit a new high of Ksh217.36, Diesel Ksh205.47 and Kerosene went back to being the cheapest at Ksh205.06.

Nov 2023 – Dec 2023

In this cycle, Super Petrol pump price remained unchanged while that of Diesel and Kerosene decreased by Ksh2.00 each.

As a result, Super Petrol continued to retail at Ksh217.36 while Diesel and Kerosene decreased to Ksh203.47 and Ksh203.06 respectively.

Dec 2023 – Jan 2024

In thi review, EPRA reduced the prices of Super Petrol by Ksh5, Diesel by Ksh2 and Kerosene by Ksh4.

Their retail prices are now therefore Ksh212.36 for Super Petrol, Ksh201.47 for Diesel and Ksh.199.05 for Kerosene.

*Prices indicated are quoted for a litre of fuel in Nairobi


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