Key Points from Murkomen Statement on KU Bus Accident and Others

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Roads cabinet secretary, Kipchumba Murkomen has issued a statement regarding the worrying spate of road accidents we have been witnessing in the country recently. In just 24 hours, there have been 3 horrible accidents with mass casualties: the KU bus accident in Voi that claimed 11 lives, a matatu-tractor accident in Bomet that claimed 5 lives and a matatu crash on Migori-Rongo highway that has reportedly claimed excess of 10 lives.

Key points from the statement are:

  • Investigations have been launched to determine the causes of these accidents.
  • Draft rules and regulations on Drunk Driving, Operation of Heavy Commercial Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Inspection are almost done. They are set to be presented to the relevant parliamentary committee in early April.
  • The draft School Transport Rules meant to regulate transportation of school children have been finalised. The rules call for school buses to have vehicular telematic technology to monitor buses among other requirements.
  • A system of getting instant fines, profiling drivers and having speed cameras is almost being operationalised by NTSA.
  • The Kenya Transport Accident Investigation Bureau will be set up to investigate all transport-related accidents and make recommendations. The agency will be independent and autonomous.
  • NTSA will soon be back on our roads to enforce road safety.
  • PSV and Heavy Commercial Vehicle drivers will soon be required to go for re-testing.
  • Getting a driver’s license or renewing one will soon require one to first undergo medical testing to ensure one is medically fit to drive.
  • The current nationwide crackdown on unroadworthy vehicles to be intensified.

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